If you run into any issues please let me know. You can quickly access these items by searching “ aira” in the game. Since this set was decided long ago and promised to my patrons beforehand I am sharing it as early access, also decided to share it with all my patrons to make up for the delay It is from Peacemaker’s Roarsome Kids Bedroom Set ♡ Eating sets and baby gym are high poly. ♡ The number of swatches they have varies between 15, 12, and 10.♡ The number of polys the objects have is between 2k and 3k on average.I am very happy that I finally finished the first part and can share it with you. Unlike usual, I wanted to experiment a little bit and have created more detailed objects, please take this into account when using them. I was planning to share it in May actually, but as I mentioned in my long post, some unexpected events happened. Funny sheep not only decorate the room of your Sims small, but undoubtedly. Design for this childs room was the image of sheep - a symbol of the new year. You can put objects of the same color, but you can make different colors of baby furniture. This is the first part of the set I created for babies and infants. All the furniture has 4 different colors - pink, blue, green and purple. Those who are curious about the reason and my future plans can read my pinned post I shared on my blog yesterday. I know I have been absent for a long time.